Using AI to improve pulmonary hypertension assessment - why we need machines

This talk will focus on machine learning applications that have improved our understanding of pulmonary hypertension.
About Samer:
Dr Samer Alabed is a Clinical Lecturer in Radiology (Assistant Professor) at the University of Sheffield. He develops and evaluates machine learning applications in cardiac imaging including automated diagnosis, anatomical segmentation and prognostic assessment. His current research combines deep learning image analysis and report generation to automate cardiac MRI assessment. His research garnered publication in prestigious radiology, cardiology and respiratory medicine journals. It has also gained recognition in European guidelines and international and national awards.
Dr Alabed has co-chaired the Trainee Committees of both the British Society of Cardiovascular Imaging (BSCI) and British Society of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (BSCMR) and dedicated his tenure to advance cardiac imaging teaching by co-organising the BSCI 2024 Annual Conference and the BSCMR 2023 Webinar series.